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news around LEPTON

Very Important: Hotfix 2.4.1

news around LEPTON >> en

We are sorry but today we got knowledge of a very important bug (highest level) in LEPTON 2.4.0.

Affected are all releases 2.4.0 and they need a very urgent update.


With respect to all users we won't publish details yet but all installations 2.4.0  must be updated asap.



Please backup your files and database before starting update!

Usage: download the above linked package, unzip the file to your desktop and load the content of "upload" directory to your webspace via ftp. Call your domain in your browser, add ' /install' (something like http://www.yourdomain.tld/install/) and press enter.

You should get a message that you succeeded.

That's it.


If you run into problems, please use the forum.


Download is available here:.



Sorry for inconvenience!




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