feel free to keep it strictly simple...

about the CMS itself


Instead of listing lots of features - to list all features would really be a long list -  we ask you to download and install your own LEPTON installation.

Easiest way to use LEPTON and learn about features and usability is to download the mobile package. Please follow instructions on the downloadpage and you will quickly run your LEPTON installation.

The second way is to download your full stable package and install LEPTON on a webserver or webspace. Please take care that your webpsace or server meets following requirements.


  • Minimum of 35 MB webspace (extended installations need more)
  • PHP 8.1 or higher
  • MySQL 5.0 or higher
  • GD Library installed
  • PHP Safe Mode = off
  • Activated PHP Session Support


If you want to check if LEPTON is running on your server or webspace there is no need to upload the whole package. Please download the server precheck file, load the unzipped file to your webspace via ftp, call it in your browser and you are done.  Server precheck file is very small in size, uploaded quickly and  may save you a lot of time.

Latest News

NEW Release LEPTON 7.3.0


This is a maintaining and bugfix release release, also to get the code...

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NEW Release LEPTON 7.2.0


Main task of this release was to rework the access system (groups and...

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NEW Release LEPTON 7.1.0


This version is mostly a maintaining release. It also contains some...

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