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For all who need them for some purposes we list here all outdated releases of LEPTON.

Please note that all releases are outdated und not under support any longer.

Please use current release if possible.


LEPTON 7series

LEPTON 7.2.0

stable release

for upgrade:
use stable release

and call install.

LEPTON 7.1.0

stable release

for upgrade:
use stable release

and call install.

LEPTON 7.0.0

stable release

for upgrade:
use stable release

and call install.


LEPTON special upgrades

LEPTON 6.0.0 to 7.0.0

use stable release

and call install.

Before starting upgrade
you should read
this and that.

LEPTON 5.5.0 to 6.0.0

use stable release

and call install

LEPTON 5.x to 5.5.0

upgrade package

call install

LEPTON 4.x to 4.7.0

upgrade package

call install

LEPTON 3.0.5 to 4.0.0

use 4.0.0 stable

call install

LEPTON 3.x to 3.0.5

upgrade package

LEPTON 2.4.1 to 3.0.0

upgrade package

further information

Lower 2.4.0 to 2.4.0

update release

LEPTON 1.3.2 to 2.0.0

upgrade package

further information

Lower 1.3.1 to 1.3.2

update release


LEPTON 6series

LEPTON 6.0.0

stable release

for upgrade:
use stable release

and call install.


LEPTON 5series

LEPTON 5.5.0

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 5.4.0

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 5.3.0

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 5.2.0

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 5.1.0

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 5.0.0

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 4series

LEPTON 4.7.0

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 4.6.0

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 4.5.0

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 4.4.0

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 4.3.0

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 4.2.0

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 4.1.0

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 4.0.0

stable release

no update release

mobile release

LEPTON 3series

LEPTON 3.0.5

no stable release

update all releases

no mobile release

LEPTON 3.0.4

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 3.0.3

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 3.0.2

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 3.0.1

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 3.0.0

stable release

no update release

mobile release


LEPTON 2series

LEPTON 2.4.1

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 2.4.0

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 2.3.0

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 2.2.2

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 2.2.1

no stable release

no update release (hotfix)

no mobile release

LEPTON 2.2.0

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 2.1.0

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 2.0.0

stable release

no update release

mobile release

LEPTON 1series

LEPTON 1.3.2

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 1.3.1

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 1.3.0

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 1.2.3

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 1.2.2

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 1.2.1

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 1.2.0

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 1.1.4

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 1.1.3

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 1.1.2

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 1.1.1

stable release

update release

mobile release

LEPTON 1.1.0

stable release

no update release

mobile release


Current Release

current release is LEPTON 7.3.0 stable



Latest News

NEW Release LEPTON 7.3.0


This is a maintaining and bugfix release release, also to get the code...

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NEW Release LEPTON 7.2.0


Main task of this release was to rework the access system (groups and...

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NEW Release LEPTON 7.1.0


This version is mostly a maintaining release. It also contains some...

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