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news around LEPTON

PHP Release 7.x

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If you use a webspace or dedicated server you may have noticed, that more and more provider are upgrading their php releases to php 7.x.
There are some hosters that invoice you some money as a support fee if you want to stay with php5.x ( up to 6 EUR a month), other hosters upgrade to php 7.x after they informed their customers via mail.

Please keep in mind that LEPTON 1 series is not fully compatible with php 7.x, only releases from 2.1.0 are compatible with php 7.
You will have some not working functions in the LEPTON 1series backend running the cms with php 5.x, for example create new pages or upload files via media functions and some more.

Please consider to upgrade your LEPTON installation from 1series to the current LEPTON release.
There is a package available to upgrade from 1.3.2 to 2.0.0

For questions to upgrade please use the forum.


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