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news around LEPTON

NEW Release LEPTON 7.0.0

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NEW Release LEPTON 7.0.0

This release has mainly reworked LEPTON files in /account and /backend including both BE-Themes to get rid of old code and therefore ensure future development and maintaining in upcoming PHP versions. It also contains some bugfixes and updated addons.

LEPTON requires PHP 8.x as a minimum ( PHP 8.2.x recommended) and is already tested with latest PHP 8.2.9

Please keep in mind that all addons, that are not included in the package have to be checked. Please take care of this to avoid notices and errors. Modifying headers can easily be done with search and replace in an editor.

You should read the list of deprecated functions/methods/files in the docs to check which modifications you have to do in your addons or templates.

We added new core table keepout to enable blocking of unwanted entries during signup process or forms. For details please use the docs.

We removed tool addon_info from the package. It will not be removed from current installations by upgrade script but has to be updated manually if neccessary.

We added new class to ease the use of cronjobs. For details please also use the docs.


What is done in this LEPTON release?

Here is a (non-complete) list of changes, see changelog for all changes and details:

  • Updated libs and modules, for example:
    • updated lib_fomantic to current release 2.9.2
    • updated tinymce to current, for details read tinymce infos
    • updated lib_r_filemanager to fit the needs of php 8.2.x
    • updated lib_twig to current release
    • updated lib_phpmailer to current release
    • update htmlpurifier to fit php 8.2.x
    • improved integration of lib_codemirror into code2 addon
    • update jquery core to 3.7.1
    • Updated news module to fit reworked simplepagehead addon.
    • Updated news module and repaired the commenting part to work with captcha and ASP.
  • New methods and functions, for details please read the docs.
  • Deprecated methods and functions that will be removed in next LEPTON release, for details please read the docs.
  • Removed lots of "Pseudo Classes"
  • Improved LEPTON core classes for using strict types and displaying errors"
  • Added class LEPTON_abstract_frontend for frontend use only
  • Enable ASP for use also in quickform
  • Add some types and specifications to class LEPTON_request to improve saving into the database.
  • Again some important bugfixes in captcha_control and quickform to ensure working of honeypot fields and captcha ans ASP


LEPTON stable is available on Downloadpage and also a mobile Version can be downloaded.


Upgrade to LEPTON 7.0.0 is possible and recommended.



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