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news around LEPTON

NEW Release LEPTON 6.0.0

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NEW Release LEPTON 6.0.0

This release has mainly reworked LEPTON classes and functions to ensure future development and maintaining in upcoming PHP versions. It contains naturally some bugfixes and updated addons.

New classes and methods in additon enable easier and faster addon development.

LEPTON now requires PHP 8.x as a minimum ( PHP 8.1.x recommended) and is already tested with latest PHP 8.2.3

As always after code review some mandantory things changed in addons and templates. You should read the list of deprecated functions/methods/files in the docs to check which modifications you have to do in your addons or templates.

Please check your templates, there had been changes in the head section. Have a look at the delivered templates included in the package.

Also modules sometimes had to be modified. Please see if there are adapted modules available on LEPAdOr. Check your own modules with L* 6.0.0 and adapt them to the needs. If you run into problems use the forum for help


What is done in this LEPTON release?

Here is a (non-complete) list of changes, see changelog for all changes and details:

  • updated libs and modules, for example:
    • updated lib_fomantic to current release 2.9.2
    • updated tinymce to current, for details read tinymce infos
    • updated lib_r_filemanager to fit the needs of php 8.2.x
    • updated editarea
    • updated lib_twig to current release
    • updated lib_phpmailer to current release
    • update htmlpurifier to 4.16.0, needed for php 8.2.x
    • improved integration of lib_codemirror into code2 addon
    • update jquery core to 3.6.2
  • new methods and functions, for details please read the docs.
  • Deprecated methods and functions that will be removed in next LEPTON release, for details please read the docs.
  • Removed lots of "Pseudo Classes"
  • Added class LEPTON_abstract_frontend for frontend use only
  • Some bugfixes in TFA local (Two Factor Authentication) and added new feature TFA via Mail.
  • Some important bugfixes in captcha_control and quickform to ensure working of honeypot fields and captcha


LEPTON stable is available on Downloadpage and also a mobile Version can be downloaded.


Upgrade to LEPTON 6.0.0 is possible and recommended.



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