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news around LEPTON

NEW Release LEPTON 5.0.0

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NEW Release LEPTON 5.0.0.

After nearly one year of work and more than 700 commits we are happy to release new LEPTON 5.0.0 today.

This is not only a maintaining release of LEPTON but a security fix and contains lots of bugfixes in both Backend-Themes.

The outdated Algos Theme was removed and is no longer part of the package.We also removed the outdated include folder as well as other outdated and not needed files from lib_lepton.

We added files and classes for backward compatibilty for old modules (lib_comp). Please read the documentation how to use them.

LEPTON now requires PHP 7.2.x as a minimum and is already tested with new PHP 8.0.0.

Furthermore 5.0.0 got a completely recoded quickform addon with honeypot functions, is introducing a wysiwyg-history-function in wysiwyg sections and news module and a totally reworked captcha_control.

The LEPTON database (only new installations) now uses utf8mb4 as charset and link charset.

There are many infos on the net to inform you about utf8mb4 and the difference to utf-8, please use the search engine of your choice.

You should read the list of deprecated functions/methods/files in the docs.


If you use deprecated functions/methods/files please rework your addons to make them run with this LEPTON release!

What is done in LEPTON 5.0.0?

Here is a (non-complete) list of changes, see changelog for all changes and details:

  • As we also got some new core methods please read the documentation to get further details about modified core files..
  • updated nearly all libs and modules, for example:
    • updated tinymce to current release
    • updated lib_fomantic to current release
    • updated lib_lepton to current release, replaced flags, added php-zip as an alternative to outdated pclzip
    • updated lib_twig to current release
    • updated lib_phpmailer to current release
    • completely new coded quickform
    • completely new coded captcha_control
  • introducing history in wysiwyg and news module
  • introducing lib_comp for backward compatability of old modules
  • make upload_whitelist standard in lib_r_filemanager (see forum thread)
  • some bugfixes in news referring to groups and images
  • bugfix in search droplet
  • modifications in easymultilanguage function
  • lots of bugfixes and adaptions in backend themes
  • and as always: lots of core code reworked...


Because of some neccessary security fixes it is strongly recommended to update to LEPTON 5.0.0 


Version 5.0.0 stable is available on Downloadpage and also a mobile Version can be downloaded.


Upgrade to LEPTON 5.0.0 is possible .



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