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news around LEPTON


news around LEPTON >> en

We are happy to release LEPTON 3.0.0 as Release Candidate 1 today.

We have been developing the release 3.0.0 for more than 2 years and some parts have been already released in current or older LEPTON versions, such as setup.ini or LEPTON autoloader, just to enable easier upgrade from LEPTON 2.4.1 to 3.0.0 .

There are massive codechanges in this release in functions and classes but there are also a lot of functions that were removed from the core, for example many functions referring to utf-8 transition, because they are not needed any longer.

Another main development item was the creation of a new responsive Backend Theme, but we didn't want some new colours only...

Therefore the whole code was completely coded from scratch using twig template engine and semantic framework. This enables users to easily create new backend themes using other frameworks like bootstrap.

We hope that users share new BE-Themes.

You can swith the backend theme via backend options from algos to new LEPsem theme. Please keep in mind zthat you now have to login with http://your_domain.tld/backend instead of admins. If you don't like new BE-Theme you can switch back to algos, that will stay standard in LEPTON for some time. 


New releases have to be tested, that is why we released a RC1. Please use the forum to get us informed about bugs, issues and wishes.


Here is a (non-complete) list of changes, see changelog for details:

  • We got new classes in framework, read details in the documentation.
  • updated a lot of libs and modules:
    • "outsorced" and updated responsive filemanager
    • updated tiny_mce
    • updated lib_semantic
    • updated lib_twig to new generation
    • updated lib_phpmailer to new generation
    • updated lib_jquery
    • updated lib_search
  • updated example templates to new calls
  • rework function get_page_headers and get_page_footers
  • rework account directory to get rid of the old template engine
  • code modifications in quickform
  • introduce autoloader to the core
  • introduce class.lepton_mailer
  • introduce new responsive Backend Theme using lib_semantic
  • completely recoded admins directory (called backend now)
  • rework page_tree in backend
  • switch between Backend Themes
  • enable special Backend Theme language files
  • get rid of moste utf-8 core functions
  • remove core classes and functions
  • enable addons to work with Google reCaptcha
  • core code reworked... still going on


Please download 3.0.0 RC1 and test it.


Usage: download this package, unzip the file to your desktop and load the "upload" directory to your webspace via ftp. Call your domain in your browser, add ' /install' (something like http://www.yourdomain.tld/install) and just  follow the install wizzard. That's it.


Error in: download?item=146, no valid returnvalue.


Please keep in mind that LEPTON 3.0.0 needs PHP 7.x as a minimum!



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